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inspire, discover, achieve 



Is your child struggling to keep up? Do you hear things like “It’s just too hard, I don’t get it, I can’t do it”? Are you hoping for, or needing, better grades? Has the pandemic affected your child academically?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, I could help your child achieve their potential, with a personalised approach that truly meets their needs.

No matter what the situation, private tutoring is a great solution to rebuild confidence, remove fears, and restore performance.

I work one-to-one, with students in primary and secondary education, between the ages of 5 and 19, either in your own home or online via Zoom. I work afternoons and evenings during the week and daytime at the weekends.

I offer a no-obligation, free, initial phone or Zoom call where we can get to know each other a little and for you to ask any questions you may have. In addition, I will refund your first session fees if you decide not to continue with me. It’s important that you choose a tutor with whom you feel comfortable.

I would be delighted to hear from you via my contact form below.


About Me

Mark - Private Maths Tutor

I came to tutoring through my own joy of mathematics and a desire to work on a one-to-one basis, in later life, offering mentorship and giving knowledge, skills, and confidence to the younger generation. Patience, kindness and humour are key parts of who I am and what my students experience.

I have enjoyed previous careers in engineering, accountancy, and as an IT Director at board level. I have also worked as a small-business mentor for The Prince's Trust charity.

I continue to enjoy reading about mathematics (my wife despairs at my ever-growing library!), and solving puzzles – something I recommend to all parents and students alike to keep the grey matter sharp!

I have a First Class Honours Degree in Mathematics. At A-level I scored 100% in Pure Maths with Distinction. I got grade A (merit) in Applied Maths.

Yup, I’m a maths geek – I just love maths!

My Philosophy

If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.
- Antoine de Saint Exupéry

If years of teaching and training people has taught me one thing, it's that if you keep on teaching in the same way, you just get the same results. There are many reasons that students need additional help, but top of the list is that they just don't get the subject from the way it has been shown to them; it's not that they are stupid. It is my belief that learning by rote rarely offers a good understanding of any topic; what is needed is a grasp of basic principles. From this an understanding can follow. I pride myself in being able to get beneath a student's fears and worries, and find the root of their difficulties in any subject. I rarely fail.

One of the many criticisms levied at school mathematics is that it has no application in real life - as you might expect I strongly disagree with this! While teaching, I very much try to align maths with ideas and concepts that resonate with the student.

Maths well-taught is 50% inspiration and 50% perspiration. I had a great teacher at school, David Hull, now deceased. His love of maths enthralled me, and it didn't feel like hard work at all. Every child deserves a David Hull of their own.

Fees & Terms

Fees & Services



Primary School

Rate: from £35 per hour


Usually 60 minutes at the same time each week


Rate: from £40 per hour

Face to Face

Available in your home, in the Exeter and surrounding areas

A Level

Rate: from £45/hour


via Zoom or Teams


Rate: from £50/hour


By BACS in advance, cash or card in the room

More Info


What Happy
Parents and
Students Say

"Mark has an uncanny knack of making everything look easier than it is. Then, one day, it looked easy to me too!"

- Jane W.

Study Level

Thanks for contacting me!

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